Theravada Buddhist Monastery

Theravada Buddhist Monastery

Thabarwa "Cinquefrondi"

Thabarwa Nature Center was founded by Sayadaw Ashin Ottamathara, a Myanmar monk of the Theravada Buddhist current and abbot of the many centers scattered around the world. The Thabarwa Center "Cinquefrondi," the largest Buddhist monastery in southern Italy, founded in 2019, is led by Sayalay Khema Cari, a nun and disciple of master Ottamathara.

Monastery News

- American monk Bhante Varrapanyo of the Theravada Forest tradition will be visiting the Monastery from February 26 to July 15, 2024.

- Sayalay Khema Cari will be on retreat in Thailand and Myanmar from January to September 2024.

Theravada Buddhist Monastery

What is the Thabarwa Center "Cinquefrondi"

Thabarwa Nature Center was founded by Sayadaw Ashin Ottamathara, a Myanmar monk of the Theravada Buddhist current and abbot of the many centers scattered around the world. The first center was established in Yangon in 2005, housing homeless, single women, children, the sick and infirm. Over the years, many other centers have sprung up in different parts of Myanmar and also in other countries such as Malaysia and the United States. Over the years, land has been acquired and donated in different countries such as Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, Cambodia and Vietnam. In 2017, Thabarwa Nature Centers opened their first European center in Italy, in Serravalle Scrivia (AL), Piedmont and in 2019 in Cinquefrondi (RC), Calabria. The Thabarwa Center "Cinquefrondi" is to date the largest Buddhist monastery in southern Italy, founded in 2019 is led by Sayalay Khema Cari, a nun and disciple of master Ottamathara. The Monastery is based in a villa on the town's main square. The property includes a 530-square-meter house, a garden and a commercial gallery that now houses the meditation hall, a donation room and a library. There are six bedrooms and nine bathrooms to serve the meditators.



Sayadaw Ashin Ottamathara

Who is Sayadaw Ashin Ottamathara
Sayadaw Ottamathara has been a monk and a Buddhist master of the Theravada current since 2002. After receiving an honorary degree from Yangon University in 1994 with a B. A. in English, he opened his own small business, which he ran for seven years. He gradually began to dismantle his business after he started practicing meditation and used all his assets to establish the "Avijj à Vijja" (Ignorance to Wisdom) Sharing Foundation, a free multimedia distribution center for audio, video and reading material on meditation. In 2007, Sayadaw established his first meditation center in the top four floors of an eight-story building in downtown Yangon, which became home to about 100 meditators. He later opened the ThaBarWa (Natural) Meditation Center in Thanlyin, Yangon, a 50-acre site that could fulfill his desire to support all those who came seeking help or a place to practice meditation. This center now houses about 3,000 people from all over Myanmar and abroad. In accordance with his philosophy, the center offers shelter and assistance to any person in need for any reason, including monks and nuns, as well as the sick, the elderly, the homeless, orphans and those facing any other social or financial problems, until the end of their lives. Now Sayadaw Ottamathara has established more than 30 new meditation centers throughout Myanmar and abroad and acquired 70 other pieces of land, with the same intention of providing a safe place for people to practice meditation without limits, where they can focus solely on meditating and doing good deeds.



Sayalay Khema Cari

Who is Sayalay Khema Cari?

She was born in Lausanne, Switzerland, on May 31th, 1976. Met Theravada Buddhism at the age of 28. Received her first temporary ordination in January 2005 (in Shwe Oo min, Yangon, Myanmar) for 4 months. She later decided to leave the monastery for a period of reflection. Returning to Myamar, she is again ordained for one year. A time of deep reflection still followed, during which she maintained the precepts as a lay person and continued a path of research in India, outside Buddhist monastic life, as a hermit. In 2010 she returned to Myanmar and was last ordained in February in Shwe Oo min. In 2012 she met Venerable Sayadaw Ottamathara and has since become a figurehead for all Thabarwa Centers. In 2019 she settled in a new Thabarwa Center in Calabria, and since then Sayalay Khema Cari has been committed to growing it. She has received teachings from Venerable Monle Sayadaw, Sayadaw Ottamathara, U.Tejanyia, Jaya Ashmor and Nature. She lived at Shwe Oo min Monasteries, Yangon MonleTawya (Bago & Magwe sakyadita Tilashin Nunnery in SagaingThabarwa Yeiktha).



Meditation Retreats

Retreats and Events 2024

Throughout the year, the Monastery organizes meditation retreats lasting several days that you can attend to practice mindfulness, listen to the Dhamma and do good deeds.

Make a donation

Thabarwa Monastery "Cinquefrondi" is sustained solely by donations and the help of volunteers. Please also help us keep the Center up and running.

IBAN: IT79K0311148710000000001860


Payee: Thabarwa Nature Center EU

Reason: Donation To Thabarwa Center Cinquefrondi

Contact Us

  • Phone
    +39 392 252 9623
  • E-mail
    thabarwacinquefrondi @
  • Address
    Piazza della Repubblica 5, Cinquefrondi (RC), Italy